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Global Business Partnering Week at KINTEX Korea

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Writer MedExel Date15-12-24 13:31 View5,313Hit



Global Business Partnering Week at KINTEX Korea








Sales team of MedExel is actively participating export conference. On 8th December, sales team went to KINTEX where the Global Business Partnering Week was held.


We participated to meet many buyers from various countries who are interested in Korean medical device. This activity makes us to meet lots of buyers and get to know each other. It was good opportunity for us to show our product to buyers.


We will keep participate to meet and see the market trend.


TEL : 82-31-299-1077 / E-mail : sales@medexel.co.kr / 252, GEUMGWANGOSAN-RO, GEUMKWANG-MYEON ANSEONG-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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