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First participation in Eurasian Exhibition, ExpoMed 2016

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Writer MedExel Date16-04-08 14:20 View4,602Hit



First participation in Eurasian Exhibition, ExpoMed 2016








As there was a big exhibition in Turkey at the end of this March. MedExel participated in as an exhibitor to meet lots of new buyers.


It was the first time that we have exhibited WellFine in Eurasia. It was a great chance for us to introduce ourselves to many new regions. Many buyers welcomed us and were interested in new items and our high quality.


We were impressed by a big hospitality of Turkish people and we hope this could be a great start for us to develop ourselves in many new regions.


TEL : 82-31-299-1077 / E-mail : sales@medexel.co.kr / 252, GEUMGWANGOSAN-RO, GEUMKWANG-MYEON ANSEONG-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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