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52nd EASD(Europe Association for the Study of Diabetes) Annual Meeting…

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Writer MedExel Date16-09-26 11:54 View5,139Hit


52nd EASD(Europe Association for the Study of Diabetes) Annual Meeting in Munich, Germany








52nd EASD(Europe Association for the Study of Diabetes) Annual Meeting. The EASD Annual Meeting has become the world´s leading international forum for diabetes research and medicine. It is held in a different European city each year, and this year was in Munich, Germany.


During the annual meeting, all relevant companies involved in diabetes care and treatment present tomorrow´s products and services at the industry exhibition area. It offered excellent opportunities to gain insights into the latest innovations and cutting-edge products in the field of diabetes.


We, MedExel had a great chance to meet many doctors and nurse of many different kind of countries and introduce our product to them. They showed a lot of interest to MedExel’s 34G pen needle. We hope this could be a good start for us to launch our new 34G in Europe.




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